HQHC team experienced in healthcare professional licensure and credentialing processes, and capable of facilitating licensing procedures for different type of healthcare professionals and healthcare facilities locally in the UAE and in GCC region. Our healthcare professional licensing services includes:

  • New Healthcare Professional registration and license
  • Primary Source Verification (PSV) and re-verification
  • Booking oral assessment or computer base test
  • Malpractice Insurance
  • Renew Professional License
  • Part Time License
  • Good Standing Certificate
  • Upgrade Professional License
  • Cancel/Transfer Professional License
  • Complaints & Appeal Management.

HQHC healthcare professional registration and licensure support cover the main health authorities in UAE including Dubai Health Authority (DHA), the Ministry of Health (MOH), Dubai Healthcare City (DHCC), and the Department of Health (DoH) in Abu Dhabi.

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