HQHC team can support new and existing health facilities in development and executing of marketing and branding strategy, this includes:

  • Conducting a Primary Marketing Audit
  • Identity branding and promoting in the available and mutually approved digital media platforms as per the budget assigned by health facility management.
  • Focused targeting of users and customers based on the business dynamics, demographics, interests and behaviors.
  • Suggest and implement digital communication materials along with designer or agency if appointed by the health facility
  • Advise on the best practices and rates related to digital media buying strategies.
  • Suggest advertising methodologies – Online & Digital.
  • Conduct relevant marketing research / competitor analysis with relevant agencies to identify industry trends and commercial opportunities
  • Develop and implement marketing strategy according to the objectives and budgets.
  • Suggest detailed proposals and marketing plans in relation to the digital marketing.
  • Give direction to digital marketing efforts with the most effective methods and tools.
  • Plan digital campaigns, packages, events and streamline the referral scope of business.
  • Assists Marketing team and Management Personnel / Directors in coming up with focused digital branding, positioning and marketing tools for each service and specialty.
  • Works within the health facility’s budget to produce effective promotional materials and advertising opportunities.
  • Coordination of Videography, Photography, Event Management, Productions and Printing
  • Streamlining the Digital Marketing Strategies to be implemented through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin and Youtube.
Healthcar Branding

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